
YFC Blog 

A snow globe sits on a green table with lights in the background. The snow globe has a green tree inside it with a star on top, a Santa, and a reindeer.

Travel tips for a smooth flight this holiday season

December 18, 2024

The holidays are a time of cheer and celebration—and busy airports! We’ve partnered with CATSA to bring you tips and tricks to make your holiday travel as smooth as possible this year. Leave enough time Passengers often ask Maintair Shift Lead Chandra Hume, “am I too early?” With a smile and a shake of her…

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We're expanding your world.

To local New Brunswickers, YFC is simply “the airport”. A single entity. A place on the map. But the organization and operation of YFC is slightly more complex.

Think of YFC as the physical infrastructure of the airport. This infrastructure is managed, operated, and developed by the not-for-profit corporation of the Fredericton International Airport Authority Inc. (FIAA). Most commercial and public services and products at the airport are delivered by independent  businesses operating from within the YFC structure. The airport is, therefore, the sum of many parts, including hundreds of committed people.