YFC Blog
What are the arrival and departure times?
The arrival and departure times change on occasion. For the most recent times, please consult our Arrivals & Departures section.
Are there shuttle or taxi services to Fredericton?
Yes! For information, please visit the Ground Transportation section.
How do I report a lost item at the airport?
If you believe you have lost an item in the airport or you have found an item that you believe someone has lost in the airport, please contact the Commissionaires’…
How do I get there from …?
There are several web-based mapping systems that will give you customized directions to the airport from a location that you specify. We’ve provided a Google Maps interface on our website, but…
I require assistance for mobility, where can I find more information on accessibility services at YFC?
For information on services for individuals with mobility impairments, please visit our Accessibility page.
Do you have escort passes to accompany passengers to the boarding gate?
Airline operators provide this service to their passengers. Please contact your airline for more details.
Are flights on time?
For up-to-date flight information, please visit the Arrivals & Departures section or contact your airline. To receive automatic updates on your flight’s status to your mobile device or email, please…
What is the cost of parking?
For information about parking please consult our parking section.
How much luggage can I take on the plane?
For information on baggage allowances, please contact your airline.
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