Safety & Security Policies

Safety Policy

With the aim of achieving a leading position among North American small airports, the Fredericton International Airport Authority Inc. (FIAA) is committed to providing services that ensure the functioning of the airport at the highest level of compliance with Federal and Provincial safety standards. We consider the safety of all airport operations equally important to the commercial business of the company, which makes it a priority objective of our organizational strategy.

The FIAA is committed to doing everything practicable in providing a safe and healthy working environment free of all recognized hazards for its employees and to providing the safest possible aerodrome to our customers.

In pursuing these goals, management will maintain an active aviation safety management program with a focus on continuous improvement. All levels of management are accountable for our safety performance starting at the Chief Executive Officer. All FIAA personnel are expected to participate in the program and take an active role in the identification, reduction, and elimination of hazards.

Among our core values, we include:

  • Safety is fundamental to our business
  • Ethics and integrity are extremely important in the performance of our work
  • The environment will not be compromised

Safety Objectives

The FIAA safety objectives to be achieved through the implementation of our Safety Management System (SMS) includes:

  • Shaping a corporate culture of safety that promotes awareness and good attitudes to detecting, revealing and eliminating danger.
  • Implementing a uniform, pro-active SMS, which is based on the involvement of all employees, utilization of suitable organizational tools and continued monitoring of safety performance.
  • Determining in detail the range of competencies and responsibilities of employees and management within the realms of safety standards.
  • Organizing a training system aimed at increasing qualifications and safety awareness among employees of the FIAA.
  • Allocating funds suitable for the realization of undertakings aimed at increasing the overall safety performance.


Johanne Gallant
CEO and Accountable Executive

Airport Security Policy


This policy was developed in response to requirements under the Canadian Aviation Security Regulations that require the Fredericton International Airport Authority (FIAA) to “have a security policy statement that establishes an overall commitment and direction for aerodrome security and sets out the operator’s security objectives.” The policy clearly states the position of FIAA with respect to its commitment to the security of the airport, its users and to identify the role of staff members in regards to airport security.


With the aim of achieving a leading position among North American small airports, the FIAA is committed to providing services that ensure the functioning of the airport at the highest level of compliance with regulatory standards. We consider airport security to be of paramount importance and, in partnership with FIAA employees, will operate in a manner that ensures that security is a priority and fundamental to FIAA operations and equally important to the commercial business of the company. FIAA Management will, therefore, ensure that all decisions about the airport—large and small—take into account the potential impact on the security of our operations.

In pursuing these goals, management will maintain an active airport Security Program with a focus on continuous improvement. All FIAA personnel are expected to participate in the program and take a proactive role in the identification and reduction of security risks.

Security Objectives

The FIAA security objectives to be achieved through the implementation of our Airport Security Program include:

  • Shaping a proactive security culture of vigilance and awareness that promotes good attitudes towards detecting, revealing and mitigating security risks.
  • Determining in detail the range of competencies and responsibilities of employees and management within the realms of security standards.
  • Organizing a training system aimed at increasing security awareness among FIAA employees and tenants.
  • Allocating funds suitable for the realization of undertakings aimed at enhancing overall airport security.
  • Enhancing cooperation and collaboration with our security partners.
  • Implementing effective processes and procedures that comply with all applicable legislative and regulatory requirements.
  • Reviewing all security incidents and breaches including implementation of corrective actions and lessons learned

Achieving these objectives requires the full understanding by everyone in the airport organization (and community) of their security responsibilities and their commitment to fostering a proactive security culture


Johanne Gallant
CEO and Accountable Executive